The changes take effect only after the render process is restarted. Creating or removing render elements does not work during interactive rendering.They have no effect on GI/reflection etc. Render elements may slightly slow down the final image rendering, depending on the number of elements that are selected.vrimg file on disk and not storing the final image in memory. When rendering to the V-Ray VFB, you can reduce this memory by rendering directly to a. Render elements require additional storage when rendering and thus increase the amount of RAM taken during the rendering.Render elements will render in Distributed Rendering mode.

Therefore other channels may appear jagged or noisy in areas where V-Ray has placed fewer samples. V-Ray always anti-aliases with respect to the RGB color channel.For V-Ray GPU they are always enabled without an option to disable them. They are also enabled by default for both new and old scenes and can only be disabled via script access. The consistent elements are automatically enabled when the scene contains an adaptive dome light so they don't have artifacts. This is because the raw elements have to be derived internally from the corresponding normal elements in order to work with the consistent elements. The raw elements are affected only when the corresponding normal and filter elements are available, otherwise they're rendered as before. This change makes the elements more consistent but it's also needed for preventing artifacts in these elements with the adaptive dome light (and possibly in the future with other adaptive lights). In both cases they compose back to Beauty correctly but the different types of contributions are now split between the elements more consistently. Some of the direct contributions that should be in the Lighting and Specular elements were written to the GI and Reflection elements instead. Previously this depended on the sampling of the lights and not just on the type of contribution.