In a recent press release Spacemountainfan LLC announced the project is on hiatus. Without further Adieu I present, Disneyland CA, Construction Update 1: Anyway, I am pretty excited about this project and anyone interested in contributing will get due credit upon its release. I may even attempt recreating the Main Street Electrical Parade, man I miss that Parade, IMO Disney's best parade ever. The park will include official music and ambient sounds of Disneyland CA. I would greatly appreciate any tips or feedback concerning the park as well as CRT hints and tips. I have not started any custom structures yet, but, i am currently working on a Matterhorn CRT (pre refurb toboggan style cars) and I have included Screenies and a snap of the Google sketchup model currently in production. Anyone on here who knows me, knosw I have a deeply seeded love with "the happiest place on earth." I started a recreation, hoping to only have to build custom buildings and structures with the sets included in the game, but, sadly, I resorted to downloading a lot of CRT's and Custom Scenery, but, that got me motivated to get the tools to create my own as well.

A couple months ago I started a project, reviving motivation for myself to use RCT3 again.