In version 1.3 of the full game, you can use a command console after touching the green cube, but can only type special commands.GreenHouseM13 created a command console for the full game.Beta 3 also has a command console, but does not work.In Alpha 2, the command console was deliberately left in by the developers, so that players could study the map and basement.ToggleDebugCamera - allows you to watch the movements of the Neighbor or explore his house from a distance.Summon - creates an object typed in the console (all objects ).PlayersOnly - stops all actions except player actions (only in Alpha 2).Show Navigation - shows the area where the Neighbor can walk.

In order to access the command console, you have to hit the backtick key ( ` ), and then type one of the follow words before hitting enter to grant the corresponding effects. To download the UUU please use the link below. It is built into every game made on Unreal Engine 4, but it is possible to hide / block it from players. The Command Console allows you to customize the game through teams. This page contains content unused from the games! If you have anything to add to this page, message us!