You can buy only “actual cash value” coverage for wind and hail damage if your roof is too old to qualify for replacement value coverage.To combat this, many home insurers have implemented different coverage levels for wind and hail damage vs. Home insurance companies in past years have been walloped by numerous and expensive roof claims.

For example, if you have slate tile that you can’t get any more, you may have to replace the entire roof to ensure materials match. If the materials to fix your roof are unavailable, your insurance company may have to replace the entire roof. Insurance for matching issues with roof material This means a roof will never last as long as it should have lasted otherwise, therefore it should be replaced,” says Steve Severaid, president of The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International. “Even if a roof isn’t taking in water right now, the erosion or strikes compromise the lifespan of the roof. If there are enough strikes, the roof lifespan is substantially impacted and it needs to be replaced. For example, if a homeowner has asphalt shingles damaged by hail strikes, an adjuster would count how many strikes occurred in a section to determine the impact on the lifespan of the roof.

Your insurer may cover the cost to replace the entire roof even if it’s only partially damaged. In some cases, the lifespan of the roof is shortened because of damage. Typically, a policy covers problems that are sudden or accidental, and caused by certain events such as wind, fire, hail or the weight of snow. Types of roof damage covered by your insurance will depend on the policy’s terms and the reasons your roof needs to be repaired or replaced. The dwelling coverage portion of your homeowners insurance covers the house structure, including the roof.

Types of Roof Damage Covered by Homeowners Insurance